Scripting functions reference

The scripting functions that puddletag supports are listed here. Use them where ever they can be used.

  • For comparison functions, 0 and an empty string (“”) evaluate to False. Everything else evaluates to True.

  • Strings that contain commas must be enclode in double quotes ().

  • White space before and after arguments will be discarded. Enclose the argument in quotes to preserve it as in $left(” One space.”, 3).


For the floating point number x.y. Returns integer x + 1.

$and(a, b)

Returns True if both a and b evaluate to True. Returns False otherwise.


Adds x and y


Capitalizes the first letter of each word in string and converts the rest to lower case.


Capitalizes the first letter of each word in string and leaves all other characters unchanged.


Capitalizes the first letter of the string and converts the rest to lower case.


Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to number.


Returns the ASCII character number of the character.

$div(x, y)

Divides x by y.


For the floating point number x.y. Returns integer x.

$geql(x, y)

Returns True if x >= y. False otherwise.

$grtr(x, y)

Returns true if x > y. False otherwise.

$if(x, y, z)

If x is True, y is returned, otherwise z is returned.


If string a is longer than string b, then x is returned, otherwise y.


Returns true if x is a decimal number.

$left(string, n)

Leftmost n characters of string.


Returns the length of string.


Returns True if x <= y. False otherwise.


Returns True if x < y. False otherwise.


Converts string to lowercase.

$meta(field, n)

If field is multiple-valued, the field’s nth value. Note that it’s just the field name, field and not %field%.

$meta_sep(field, sep=', ')

If field is multiple-valued, returns the field’s values joined by sep. Otherwise just returns the field’s value.


Returns first i characters of string, starting at n.


Returns the remainder of x divided by y.


Multiplies x by y.


Returns True if x is not equal to y.


Returns False if x evaluates to True and vice versa.

$num(number, y)

Pads zeroes to number until it’s of length y. If number has excess zeroes and it’s length is less than y then these zeroes are removed.


Returns True if x is odd.


Returns True if either x or y evaluates to True. False otherwise.


Generates a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1.

$regex(text, regex, repl, matchcase=0)

Replaces all occurrences of regex with repl in text.

text: text to search, eg. %artist%
regex: regular expression to use as the search eg. jay.*
repl: Text to replace all matches of regex with. Can be pattern ex $lower($1), but has to be quoted like in “$lower($1)” otherwise any scripting functions used will be run before the regular expression is evaluated.
matchcase: Defaults to 0. If 1, will have case-sensitive matching.

See Replace with RegExp for more examples.


For the floating point number x.y. Returns the integer x if y < 0.5 else x + 1.

$replace(string, word, replaceword, matchcase, whole)

Replaces word in string with replaceword. If matchcase is true, a case-sensitive replace is done. Whole is true implies that only whole word matches are replaced.

$right(string, n)

Returns rightmost n characters in string.


Removes leading and trailing whitespace from string.

$sub(x, y)

Subtracts y from x.


Converts all unicode chars in x to ASCII. It uses transliteration so 'abc äéç цы キウ 藏經' will become 'abc aec tsy kiu Cang Jing'. Characters that can't be converted will be removed.


Converts string to uppercase.

$validate(string, y, chars)

Removes chars (defaults to /\*?;”|:) from string and replaces them with y if specified.