

puddletag requires the following dependencies. Visit the respective project’s page if you having trouble installing a component.

Install instructions follow below.

Installing from source

Install the dependencies as listed above. For Debian-based distros, you can run the following as root:

apt-get install python-pyqt5 python-pyparsing python-mutagen
  • Now download the source tarball puddletag-2.0.1.tar.gz (SHA1 bf2e1b8bb76648bd8e1800870409f52204f5349a).

  • Unzip it.

  • You can run puddletag from that directory by typing ./puddletag from the unzipped directory in your console.

  • Alternatively install it by running python install as root in the unzipped directory.

  • puddletag should appear in your Multimedia (or Sounds etc.) menu. If not run desktop-file-install puddletag.desktop as root in the unzipped directory.


For AcoustID support in Ubuntu you will also need to fpcalc binary For Ubuntu 12.04 and later it is available in the libchromaprint-tools package.

For earlier versions and other distros please visit the AcoustID page for installation instructions.

Installing on Ubuntu

You can install puddletag from the Software Centre in recent versions of Ubuntu.

Installing on Fedora 14 and later

Just run (as root):

yum install puddletag

Sometimes the latest version is still in the testing repo. Then you should use (also as root:)

yum --enablerepo=updates-testing install

Development builds

Source control is done using Git. Use

git clone

to check it out. And

git pull origin master

in the previously cloned directory to update it a later stage.